★Cost of studying abroad in Japan★
The average rent in Okubo, Narashino, Chiba prefecture, where Narashino Institute of Foreign Language is located, is 30,000 yen to 60,000 yen.
Living expenses are around 40,000 yen to 50,000 yen.
(28,000 yen for food, 5,000 yen for utilities, 4,000 yen for internet,
and 10,000 yen for other expenses.)
*As of December 2023
This is what the school looks like.↓

"To live in Japan."
"To work in Japan."
"To go to Japanese university."
"I am worried about my future if I stay on a family visa. What should I do?"
We listen to each person's concerns and find the best path together.
We also offer private courses for busy mothers.
*You can study from 3 months.

▷I came to Japan with parents. But Since I don't understand Japanese, I can't go to Junior high school or high school.
▷We listen each person's background and think about your perfect career plan.
▷After comparing the education system of your country and Japan, we think about what you want to do in the future with your parents.
▷"I want to go to junior high school in Japan. But I am worried my Japanese." →You have confidence by studying at beginner class for 3 months →You can go to Junior high school.
▷Do I have to go to high school? Why do I have to go to high school? We hear your environment. And let's build your life plan together!
▷Students can also earn a high school diploma at Narashino Institute of Foreign Languages High School with studying Japanese.
Students can also earn a high school diploma at Narashino Institute of Foreign Languages High School with studying Japanese.
Post-entry lectures for the technical intern trainees
We have the post-entry lectures for the technical intern trainees.
We also provide employee training (Japanese language education) from companies.